September 17, 2024

How to Nail Your Flyer Design for Maximum Impact

How to Nail Your Flyer Design for Maximum Impact
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Reading Time
3 min

Letterbox marketing is more powerful than ever before. Here’s how to nail the design.

When done right, letterbox flyers can be a game-changer for your business. However, not all flyers are created equal. To ensure your flyer stands out and drives real results, you really need to focus on a few key elements. Luckily we’re experts, so here’s how you can create the most impactful flyer for your business.

Make a Lasting Impression Right from the Start

Headline Power:
Your headline is your first impression—make it count. Capture attention with a compelling, benefit-driven headline that immediately highlights the value your business offers. Remember, most readers will only scan the headline, so ensure it’s strong enough to make them want to learn more. Think, how can I make it impossible for them not to read on…?

Engage with Commanding Language:
Use strong, imperative language like “Don’t Miss Out” to encourage action, but be careful not to cross into cheesy or overly aggressive territory. The goal is to quickly answer the reader’s primary question: “What’s in it for me?”

Features vs. Benefits: Understand the Difference

Once you’ve captured their attention, it’s time to keep it. Clearly explain who you are and what you’re offering. Your copy should reinforce the promise made in your headline, leaving no doubt about how you will deliver on that promise.

Use Bullet Points for Benefits:
Keep your benefits concise and impactful. Remember, features are the ‘what’ and benefits are the ‘so what’ for your customers. Here’s how they compare:

  • Feature: "Our widgets are made of stainless steel."
  • Benefit: "Our widgets never rust, are easy to clean, and can be reused countless times, offering hassle-free use and a great return on investment."

Highlight Your Secret Sauce:
What makes you unique? Identify the specific benefits your product or service offers that set you apart from the competition. Make sure these stand out in your flyer.

Call to Action: Guide the Reader’s Next Steps

A strong call to action (CTA) is essential for converting interest into action. Tell your reader exactly what (one) action you want them to take and make it as easy as possible for them to follow through. Provide clear, simple instructions that guide them to the desired outcome, whether it’s visiting your store, calling your business, or visiting your website.

To make it easy for prospects to engage with your offer you might consider adding a digital advertising 'reinforcement' layer (we see around 30% increased results with this addition).

They read your mailer…they take it inside…they sit down at their laptop and see your digital ad - this creates an incredibly impactful user journey.

Include Essential Information:
Make sure all the necessary details are included in your flyer—such as directions, store hours, and contact information—so that customers have everything they need to take the next step.

Hot Tip: Don’t overwhelm your customers with multiple offers. A clear and compelling single offer will outperform a flyer cluttered with too many options, which can lead to indecision. Trust us, although it’s tempting to offer the world, keep it simple.

Let’s Put It All Together

When it comes to flyer design, creativity is key. Whether you prefer a do-it-yourself approach or want a custom design, the options are endless. Here’s how to choose the right option for your business:

Option 1: Do It Yourself

  • Ease of Use: Use provided templates to update text, logos, and images to suit your needs.
  • Customisation: Depends on the templates you have and your design skills.
  • Time: Quick, if you have basic design skills.
  • Quality: Dependent on your design skills and abilities.
  • Support: We can guide you on how to use the templates, give us a shout!
  • Print-Ready: Requires you to follow instructions to get this right, not something you want to mess around with!
  • Creative License: Template-based design comes with limited flexibility.
  • Cost: Minimal cost.

Option 2: Let Us Get Creative

  • Ease of Use: Custom design from scratch by our expert team.
  • Customisation: Fully customisable design to suit your letterbox goals.
  • Time: Longer process includes brief, design interactions, and approval.
  • Quality: High-end professional design, created by the experts who put letterbox on the map.
  • Support: Full support and collaboration in the design process to bring your ideas to life.
  • Print-Ready: Delivered print-ready, with professional oversight at every step in the design and distribution process.
  • Creative License: Complete creative freedom, resulting in a unique and impactful design.
  • Cost: Contact us for a quote and we’ll deliver some slick creatives.

Printing & Distribution Services

Beyond the design, ensuring your flyer reaches the right audience is critical. Here’s how we can help:

  • Print Management: We handle the entire print process and negotiate great rates for you.
  • Targeted Distribution: Our experts will discuss distribution options, including smart targeting, ensuring your flyers reach the households most likely to buy from you.

Fun Fact: We Don’t Just Do Letterbox…

Today’s buyers navigate both offline and online channels on their path to purchase, and linking them up can be challenging. That’s why we offer more than just letterbox marketing. Speak to us about how your letterbox campaign can achieve greater results with an aligned mobile campaign, smart targeting, or a digital mailer for your customers to browse once they’ve read your flyer.

Ready to elevate your letterbox campaign? Put this advice to work for an upcoming campaign and let us help you create impactful flyers that get results. Get a quote today.

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