Marketing Gets Real Results

More than 3000 NZ brands use data-driven letterbox campaigns alongside their digital marketing. Why? Because it works.

Old lady in sunglasses with vibrant pink coat
Knows the impact of real marketing
Up Arrow
of households that receive mailers will purchase that week
Man in pink suit dabbing, pointing up toward the right
Antony, Head Chef
Loves a letterbox campaign to get people to his restaurant
An arrow hitting a bullseye icon
Knight chess piece icon
Light bulb icon
Printer icon
Finger pressing play button icon
Letterbox with flag icon

We can Run it all, or just the pieces you Need

From strategy to targeting, design, print and distribution – heck we can even add a social media or mobile targeting layer into your campaign as well.

Your Business Problems Solved

The way we do Letterbox helps our customers get more market share, and more sales. This is about getting your brand into the right households, the right hands and the right heads.

Global Marketing

Get more instant sales or leads

Campaigns with a traditional media component can drive up to 74% more market share (Binet & Field Study)

Business Management

Drive more visitors to your online or local store

More than 55% of those who see your letterbox campaign will visit your website or physical store (Roy Morgan Research 2019)

Global Marketing

Profile yourself or your brand locally or nationwide

Reach right across NZ, or just one suburb, in as little as 3 days

Who's Using It

From retail to car yards and rural services, businesses love the straight up approach to their Letterbox and Digital Campaigns. Check out some feedback.

Fast, Powerful Marketing Awareness

Full red letterbox on yellow background
every week

Drive your brand or offer awareness and reach nationwide within 3 days. Or get super targeted to only certain areas.

A bearded man with a magnifying glass looking surprised

How many Kiwis could be holding your brand in their hands and taking it into their home.

4 out of 5 ticked wooden blocks being placed next to target icons
Jobs booked
last month

NZ companies are leveraging letterbox alongside their digital advertising every week.

A girl whispers into a smiling man's ear
7/ 10

People talk and word of mouth is one of the most powerful purchase influences.

Industries Killing It With Letterbox Marketing

Pink quotation marks

"We've achieved remarkable results, including impressive market share in the local markets and the sale of over 80 houses in a single month. The 7-year partnership with REACH has greatly contributed to our success. Our letterbox campaigns have proven instrumental in elevating brand awareness and establishing a strong market presence."

Betty Shao - Barfoot & Thompson, Epsom

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Real estate icon
Real Estate

Beef up your local profile as a real estate agent.

Shopping cart icon

Communicate the upcoming sale for a store.

Wine bottle and glass icon

Drive customers to your new restaurant or offer incentives and specials.

Tree icon

The farming sector love helpful stuff through their Letterbox.

The REACH Impact logo

Cool Stuff You can do in the letterbox

Consumers love brands that get creative, surprise them, delight them, and entertain them. Physical mailers can do an awesome job of positioning your brand as a cool, relevant, and modern option to improve lives and bring joy.

Sampling Campaigns
We all love a sample of something in our Letterbox. It's one of the best ways to speed up the customer's purchase and also grab you more market share.
Green Mailers
From recycled paper and eco-flow wrap mailers. The Letterbox channel is greener than ever before, so now you can campaign without concern.
New Store Vouchers
Nothing works better if you have a new local store opening, than a cute VIP card in the target markets Letterbox. See the foot traffic flow.
Happy girl holding discount vouchers
Definitely not a stock photo
Wooden letterbox nestled in a green bush

The letterbox is Greener
than ever

3 trees are planted for every one that is cut down for paper. All of our print partners are hand selected for their ethical and sustainable forestry practices.

Make your mailer sustainable. Print your campaign with us and rest assured it's eco-sourced and you can even level up with non-toxic inks and recycled papers.

Egg cartons from overruns. Any over production goes straight to Huhtamaki, our partner in the eco waste space.

Data-Driven, The Best Kind Of Marketing

25+ years understanding NZ neighbourhoods at a data level means we can target your campaign to the right households. Demographics, store radius, shopping preferences. We do things targeted around here.

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A map containing Mount Eden and surrounds

The perfect marriage - Letterbox and digital


Letterbox and digital advertising are the perfect complement: studies show up to 74% increase in market share by running them together.


Shoppers will buy more from you when you run a campaign that includes both letterbox and digital marketing together.


Shoppers read a mailer and go online (over 55%!)and letterbox provides powerful reinforcement (remaining in the home for up to2 weeks!) after someone has seen your digital ad.

Frequently Asked Questions

You Have Questions We have Answers

I did a letterbox campaign and it didn't work - why would i do another one?

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When it comes to letterbox marketing, many treat it as a 'one and done' campaign. Regular cadence and frequency is a MUST. Smart companies run a campaign, learn, refine and run again (rinse and repeat). Here's a handy checklist to make sure your next letterbox campaign is a hit!

  1. Multiple drops: Consumers need to see your product/offer/message at least 7 times before they decide to purchase. This can be a combination of traditional and digital marketing.
  2. Audience Targeting: Perhaps your marketing was targeted far and wide instead of finding more perfect customers. Adding data targeting to your campaign will make sure your leads are 'right fit'.
  3. Flyer design: Was your Call To Action clear enough? Copy and imagery also play a big part in capturing people's attention - make sure your flyer is easy to read and the design is easy on the eye.

Does letterbox marketing help with website traffic and leads?

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Yes! 50% of readers will visit a stores website after receiving their mailer.

How does letterbox marketing work?

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After a FREE marketing consultation to gather info about your biz and the needs of your campaign our team will customise a solution for you. We target your perfect customers in the areas you want to be seen and our team of 3000+ walkers will hand deliver your marketing to each and every letterbox. We are an end-to-end service so we don't just target and deliver, we can also design and print your mailer. Chat to one of our creative experts today!

Is letterbox marketing cost effective?

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Sure is! Chat to us today to get the most value out of your letterbox marketing spend.

Aren't letterboxes cluttered with junk mail? - how will i cut through?

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With bills and statements going digital, our letterboxes are now reserved for packages and captivating printed marketing, making it a surprise and delight experience for consumers.

Do people even read letterbox marketing anymore, it's a bit old school?

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Research shows 55% of kiwi readers will keep a physical mailer for up to two weeks. Kiwis read mailers for research (seeking information, comparing prices etc.), Inspiration (discover new products or inspiration for gift buying), To unwind (24% say "when I read a catalogue it has my FULL attention... unlike my device), It's useful (60% find it more useful than other forms of advertising), to save (63% read mailers to save money). It is a great form of 'free' marketing as 70% of readers tell someone about a product or service they have seen.

Is letterbox marketing environmentally friendly?

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Yes. Regenerative forestry and sustainable commitments from all our print and production partners are now in place - even including the options of vegetable inks, recycled paper and sustainable ways to dispose of excess paper waste.

Is there a way around the ‘no circular’ signs on letterboxes?

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Sure is. You can target your campaign to the same audience in both physical and digital marketing. Reinforcing your mailer with digital messaging.

Does letterbox marketing increase campaign performance?

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100%. The letterbox is a doorway into the home, the heads and the hearts of your perfect customers. What other channel gets you pride of place / 1st class ‘real estate’ on the fridge or coffee table for weeks on end? None. Humans are statistically bored and apathetic about marketing, all of us being bombarded with more than 4000+ digital messages a day. We crave something real. Physical. Tangible. 60% of kiwi readers will purchase something from it each week!

Does letterbox marketing work with digital?

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Absolutely! 73% of consumers use multiple channels to shop so why wouldn't you use multiple channels to market to them. Research shows that for every channel you add to your campaign there is an uplift in performance of 30%. A saturated digital market and consumer apathy can make it difficult for your message to get cut-through.

Can you target certain audiences? how?

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Yes. Knowing your target audience at a demographic level - age, gender, location etc. is great but what about their shopping habits, time of day they shop, preference of brands, when they visit your store or your competitors store. These are all insights that allow you to truly build campaigns that cut through noise and postion your business strongly in the minds of consumers. You can use a combination of your own, existing data or available 3rd party data.yes.

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We often write intelligent articles, create checklists and post about NZ brands doing great marketing

Meet The team

A quirky, creative bunch with one thing in common...helping grow the backbone of NZ business. Check us out, we don't bite.

Duncan Chae
Product Lead

I enjoy working at REACH because it's a fun and supportive environment. The team is great, the work is interesting, and there's always room to grow. It's a place where I feel valued and motivated to do my best every day.

Tim MacMillan
Head of Product Impact & Innovation

I like working at REACH because it gives me the opportunity to meet lots of interesting kiwi business folk - from start-ups to SME's to enterprise companies. Helping them overcome challenges and realise opportunities for growth spins my wheels.

Struan Abernethy
Chief Executive Officer

I love the creativity and innovation that permeates throughout our people and culture, and then how that delivers for our customers

Paul Howes
National Operations Manager

The Reach values strongly underpin and foster a culture that celebrates curiosity and innovation.

Sarah Whitehouse
Sales Director

I love working at REACH as it never stands still, the team is always pushing for great things with our customers and there is a real investment in how we partner with our customers for success.

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